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HVAC System

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. This is the building system that regulates the inside temperature of the building and, in some systems, the air quality as well. The principles of HVAC design include the basic theory of system operation and the factors that determine the size and capacity of the equipment installed in the system. Once you have an understanding of the basics, you’ll be given information concerning the different types of air conditioning systems. The next step is to learn about the various components that make up an HVAC system. For example, the air conditioning portion of an HVAC system requires refrigerant to cool the air inside the building, so the various refrigerants that can be found in air conditioning systems are fully discussed. Finally, you’ll learn about the details of HVAC system installation, including the placement of compressor and condenser units, as well as heat exchangers, zones, and controls.



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